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About Me


   My name is Talia Williamson. I began this blog as a way to communicate, share and enjoy design experiences with other enthusiasts.
   Beginning at a young age, my love for the arts was apparent. My Grandmother has a favourite childhood story of taking me to yard sales, searching for treasures. At the end of our day together, I returned home with a 15 cent piece of pink ribbon, joyous and enthused with my beautiful find. Spending time rearranging my room, piecing together outfits and creating crafts was how I spent the majority of my childhood. Today, not much has changed except more room to play and opportunities to gain further experience.
   I have completed the Interior Decorating program at Sheridan College and am now beginning my career in the design industry. My partner and I have recently purchased our first home and are keen to begin the renovation process to create our perfect home. I invite you to follow along with my design adventures. 

Thank you for your support and I hope to hear from you!

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