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Monday, May 28, 2012

Your 5th Wall: Painted Ceilings

Many home owners spend hours deciding on colours for their walls in their home. Some find it nearly impossible to decide on just one colour, whether it contrasts, compliments or matches exactly to something else in their space. Finding that perfect colour is sometimes a challenge. Traditionally, many paint ceilings white because of it's reflective values and the fact that it gives a clean, crisp appearance. Where is it written that you can not paint the ceilings in a bright, vibrant colour? or a soft, warming hue? it isn't. Here are some beautiful examples of how painting the ceiling can add drama, visual interest and intrigue into each space. Enjoy! 

Wrapping the same colour from the walls adds grandeur and draws the eye upward.

Carrying the soft blue from the furniture to the ceiling defines the area and contrasts with the large mouldings. 

The bright hue brings colour without overwhelming this small space.

This dining room cove is accentuated by a earthy, toned brown on the ceiling portion.

Adorable, dreamy lilac reflected from the bedding onto the ceiling. 

Image 1, 3 & 4 via
Image 5 via

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