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Friday, May 18, 2012

Garden Bliss: Japanese Wisteria Tunnel

    Japan has an annual celebration named Fuji Matsuri, also known as The Wisteria Festival. These photographs were taken in Kawachi Fuji Garden, located roughly four hours from Tokyo. Wisteria usually blooms in Japan from mid-April until mid-May. These gigantic trellises allow the Wisteria to fall gracefully over the parks, while different species paint a soft, colourful scenery. 

 has provided the names of each of these Wisteria species seen in the photos above. 

'Usubeni fuji' (light pink), 'Murasaki fuji' (purple), 'Naga fuji' (long), 'Yae kokuryu' (double-petaled black dragon), and 'Shiro fuji' (white).

                                            Images 1-3 via

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