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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Inspiration from Spring

   Spring is an exciting season when the cold, snowy weather finally ends and we are refreshed and captivated by the bright colours of green grass, blooming plants and warm, glorious sunshine. Obviously, this Canadian has spent too much time indoors waiting for warmer weather. Since Brad and I purchased our home last fall, this is the first spring that we will be living in this area. Having no previous knowledge of what lies beneath the defrosting ground makes this experience even more enjoyable. Every chance I get, I find myself outside, strolling the property like a child in a candy store, gleefully searching through the mounds of blooming plants. Entering into the month of May, my suspicions were confirmed when I saw the buds of my favourite tree. 

   Lilacs. Nothing says Spring to me like that beautiful, sweet smell and that soft, pastel colouring. Delight by Design showcased rooms that captured this beautiful palette. These soft lilac accents work with the neutral gray tones in creating a relaxing, inviting atmosphere that reflects the Spring time. 


Images 1&2 Provided by Talia Williamson
Images 3-7 via interiores magazine 

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