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Thursday, May 24, 2012

4 Steps to Organizing Your Cosmetics

    We have all done it. That "quick" stop by Sephora that ends with us leaving with a bag stuffed full of goodies, anxiously waiting until we get home so we can test them out. As we arrived home, that giddy, post shopping thrill is fading and we think to ourselves "where the heck am I gonna put all this?".  I can admit that since I was old enough (much to my Father's dismay) to wear makeup, I was hesitant to throw out any of my favourites, despite the fact that I had to spend five minutes trying to get the last drop from the bottle or deciding where I would ever wear it. Here are a few tips I find useful when faced with this unpleasant task. 

Step 1: Throw away any unnecessary items or expired makeup

Some makeup such as mascara only lasts a few months anyway so there is really no point in holding onto nearly dried out tubes. If there are items that you are hesitant about, ask yourself when was the last time you wore that product. If the answer is "I don't remember", you probably don't need to hold onto it. 
Step 2: Invest in proper storage 
Having a vanity or a place to do your makeup in the morning is not enough. An ideal space includes room to store all your products without it looking messy or cluttered. Drawers, baskets or other storage containers work wonders so that not everything has to be out in the open. 

There are some really cool storage systems out there now that are designed for cosmetics. Try Solutions for some practical organizing ideas. If you are wanting to save a few pennies, try a basket or decorative container that you already own. 

Step 3: Divide and conquer 

Start by sorting items into categories. You could sort by application ie. (Eyes, Lips, Nails) ect. Or you can break it down even further, depending on your specific taste. Make sure that any items you use daily are easily accessible, so your efforts remain practical. 

 Step 4: Celebrate 

Now you have a completely clean, organized solution for your cosmetics. Woohoo! Time to applaud your efforts and try out some of those new Sephora finds. 

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