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Friday, May 25, 2012

A Closer Look: A Day Made Of Glass by Corning

    A Day Made Of Glass is a video created by Corning, who are known for their expertise in specialty glass and ceramics. The video features their idea of an average day set in the future, mostly focusing on specialty glass products. If you haven't already seen the video, here it is.

    Personally, I love to watch this video, as I am a huge fan of new technology. This entire video feels a bit like the Iphone commercials from Apple with it's "wow" factor. I also enjoy how nearly every surface visible is clean, shiny white. Obviously, this gives a modern, futuristic impression and has for some time. Since we already have products like mirror televisions available to us, it is not that hard to believe that this could be seen in the "near future". It is a interesting concept that nearly every surface in the home would have computer programming involved to make it incredibly multifunctional.

    My only problem with the video is the idea that everyone is touching all of those surfaces (bus shelter, countertop, fridge, mirror ect.) constantly throughout the day. I am assuming that not every home maker wants to spend their entire day washing every surface of their home for finger smudges. I guess we are supposed to assume that they have some kind of coating on the glass to avoid finger prints/ germs. Oh well, it IS the future. Anything is possible.

Please check it out. This will definitely get you thinking about the future of design.

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