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Thursday, May 31, 2012

10 DIY Ideas With Chalkboard Paint

    Chalkboard paint is affordable, versatile and now comes in a variety of colours, allowing many fun DIY projects to be created. Here are 10 fun ideas to get the creative juices flowing!

Idea 1: Make labels for any storage boxes

Idea 2: Create a feature wall  

Idea 3: Custom name cards

Idea 4: Custom headboards 

Idea 5: Draw fun accessories

Idea 6: A calendar 

Idea 7: Custom Placemats 

Idea 8: Dishware

Idea 9: Container labels 

Idea 10: Plant containers 

Image 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Image 6 via
Image 7 via
Image 10 via

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

DIY: Tissue Flowers

    Looking for a fun DIY? This craft is simple, versatile and doesn't require many materials. 

Step 1: Cut a circle approximately 3'' in diameter from 8 layers of tissue paper. Colour and texture are completely up to you. 

Step 2: Stack the circles, then place a pin in the center of the stack. Remove pin and replace with flower wire, twist tie or other wire. Twist wire so it stays securely as the center of the flower. 

Step 3: Gently pull each layer of tissue to separate and create a beautiful, blooming flower. 

Here is a fun variation of this DIY created by pinning the flowers to a styrofoam wreath. Have fun and experiment!

Image 1 via
Image 2 via

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cabinet Jewellery: Quick Cabinet Update

    Looking for a quick cabinet update? A coat of paint can do wonders for a quick sprucing up but what about some accessories? There are thousands of pulls and knobs available in different shapes, sizes, colours ect. that can change the appearance of a cabinet drastically. Here are some unique knobs that add personality and fun for a minimal price!

Image 1,3,4,5,6 & 8 via
Image 2 via
Image 7 via

Monday, May 28, 2012

Your 5th Wall: Painted Ceilings

Many home owners spend hours deciding on colours for their walls in their home. Some find it nearly impossible to decide on just one colour, whether it contrasts, compliments or matches exactly to something else in their space. Finding that perfect colour is sometimes a challenge. Traditionally, many paint ceilings white because of it's reflective values and the fact that it gives a clean, crisp appearance. Where is it written that you can not paint the ceilings in a bright, vibrant colour? or a soft, warming hue? it isn't. Here are some beautiful examples of how painting the ceiling can add drama, visual interest and intrigue into each space. Enjoy! 

Wrapping the same colour from the walls adds grandeur and draws the eye upward.

Carrying the soft blue from the furniture to the ceiling defines the area and contrasts with the large mouldings. 

The bright hue brings colour without overwhelming this small space.

This dining room cove is accentuated by a earthy, toned brown on the ceiling portion.

Adorable, dreamy lilac reflected from the bedding onto the ceiling. 

Image 1, 3 & 4 via
Image 5 via

Sunday, May 27, 2012

NeoCon Preview From Garrett Leather

    NeoCon 2012 is quickly approaching, opening June 11. Previews of new products are being uploaded to NeoCon's website daily in their countdown to opening day. Garrett Leather are going to be showcasing their new line, Garrett Wovens. These are full grain, Italian leather that is 100% vegetable tanned. The quality and craftsmanship in these leathers mean that they will age gracefully as they wear in. There are eleven distinct patterns with over 30 colour options. They are created by weaving leather on leather or leather with cord, cotton or copper. All these textiles are GREENGUARD certified. All of their products are available for a variety of applications including, Contract, Hospitality, Residential, Aircraft Interiors, Automotive Interiors and Furniture Upholstery. For more information, visit their website

Image 1 via Garrett Leather

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Zuny Home Accessories

Recently featured in Home & Decor, these little gems from Zuny are making home decor whimsical and fun again. Zuny promotes their goal behind this line of leather-made home accessories is to "make your life fun and easy". Their products range from bookends, doorstops, paperweights, magnets, coin banks and many others. 

 I'm not sure if it's the inner child in me that used to adore beanie babies but these are too cute for words.  Besides their obvious appeal of looking like cute little stuffed animals, they are durable. Hand-made with leather, these will last for quite some time if treated properly. 
Hippo Bookend. Simple, soft colouring makes him easily placed in any space.

Owl Bookend. Adorable for a kid's room. 

Lion Paperweight. His little collar and bushy mane distract from the fact that he lacks a face. 

A few more rodents I couldn't help but share. The Canadian in me says this little beaver would be a great gift for Canada Day this year. 

Check out the rest of the collections  here

Images 1-6 via

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Closer Look: A Day Made Of Glass by Corning

    A Day Made Of Glass is a video created by Corning, who are known for their expertise in specialty glass and ceramics. The video features their idea of an average day set in the future, mostly focusing on specialty glass products. If you haven't already seen the video, here it is.

    Personally, I love to watch this video, as I am a huge fan of new technology. This entire video feels a bit like the Iphone commercials from Apple with it's "wow" factor. I also enjoy how nearly every surface visible is clean, shiny white. Obviously, this gives a modern, futuristic impression and has for some time. Since we already have products like mirror televisions available to us, it is not that hard to believe that this could be seen in the "near future". It is a interesting concept that nearly every surface in the home would have computer programming involved to make it incredibly multifunctional.

    My only problem with the video is the idea that everyone is touching all of those surfaces (bus shelter, countertop, fridge, mirror ect.) constantly throughout the day. I am assuming that not every home maker wants to spend their entire day washing every surface of their home for finger smudges. I guess we are supposed to assume that they have some kind of coating on the glass to avoid finger prints/ germs. Oh well, it IS the future. Anything is possible.

Please check it out. This will definitely get you thinking about the future of design.